Password Generator Widget

    Create strong, secure passwords effortlessly with our Password Generator widget, featuring customizable settings for maximum security and usability.

    How to embed?

    Meet Password Generator — a fast, easy, and secure way to create strong passwords. Works best with our Password Manager template, give it a try!

    Image alt

    Password generation settings

    Character set

    Select which characters to include in your password. For maximum security, we recommend enabling all options.

    • ABC - uppercase letters
    • abc - lowercase letters
    • 123 - numbers
    • !@# - special characters (accessed using Shift + numbers 1-9)

    Password length

    Choose a password length between 4 and 50 characters. The default is 20 characters, which we recommend for strong security.

    Additional settings

    Use these settings to enhance randomness or improve readability.

    • No repeat - prevents repeated characters (AA, 44, ##, etc.)
    • No sequence - prevents sequential characters (DeF, 456, etc.)
    • No similar - improves readability by excluding similar-looking characters (O0, Il, etc.)
    • Letter first - ensures the password begins with a letter

    Appearance settings

    Image alt

    Image alt

    Background color

    The background color of the widget card


    Widget card shadow in T-shirt sizes: None, XS, SM, MD, LG, XL

    Border size

    The border thickness of the widget card

    Border color

    The color of the border


    Space between the border and widget contents

    Primary color

    The color of interactive elements (slider, checkbox, button)

    Text color

    The color of text and copy icon

    Button text color

    The color of text on the Generate button